Reader reads Entries 22 thru 24


Jill is sick with fever. Warren and I stay with her in the field. We sit near to block the wind. It's out of the north and cold. The others have gone. Sandy and Mario to sing at the store. Rick went to talk to the owner about work. I pray in my silent way. I call it recognition. If we care about each other as small as we are there must be a greater wiser heart that cares about us all. We just have to learn to listen. I don't make a picture of someone in my mind. It's in the life that moves us all. If we weren't part of it we couldn't move or act or think or love. It's a logical continuance of the basic things I see around me - just vaster and wiser. It would be illogical if it weren't so. I hear the intermittent throb of farm road traffic. Not so regular as the highway. You're more aware of each passing. Jill coughs a deep cough once in awhile. She's sleeping in sunlight now. She'll be alright. I hear exuberant dogs running and barking in the distance. Warren is looking a bit drowsy. Seems like you can feel your bones settle quiet and warm in the sunlight. The field feels comfortable and friendly-smiling.


The exploring trio returned with good news.A farmer will let us sleep in an empty barn. The former four-footed occupants had to be sold. We can help some around the place. Jill feels better and Warren is jubilant ! Rick told us about the Johnsons. They have had to sell all livestock except a few, to pay bills. One barn is empty. Only half their farmland is now planted regularly. This is with soybeans and a small garden for family needs. He also delivered a lecture on virtues of soybeans. Marvelous little creations rich in nutrition. I was surprised to hear how much we need they supply. The Chinese knew long ago. We'll sleep well tonight and dream too. Hope is a physician. Promise is a sunrise.


The barn is rough but beautiful. Away from the main house. A larger barn near the house is the only one used by the Johnsons now. They are warm people with weathered faces - their share of old worry lines - laugh lines too - and a robust and deep faith in life. We can all feel that they feel like us. Rick has told them how we all got together and that our relationships are family-type. They understand and accept us. Rick calls the barn our two-story condo. The loft still has some hay in it. I love the good earthy smell, and the way sunlight sifts through in soft fuzzy yellow. We made Jill a bed in the loft, but the barn is tonic, and she'd rather explore. The Johnsons have a little burro they couldn't stand to part with. His name is Jake, and he has soft quiet eyes and twitching ears. He insists this barn is home. So - we have a new family member - or maybe I should say he has six ?

Song: "Shelter Blessing" follows
Angie leading group.