Most any long-time Wayfarer has been here at some time.
When we don't believe, and we just can't see,
and we don't know where we're going,
it's a long, long Road, with a heavy load,
and a troubled wind is blowing.
When we feel like stone, and we're all alone,
and the shadows gather close,
we don't need blame, and we don't need shame.
It's love we need the most.
I have seen, and I believe,
Someone Upstairs knows when we grieve -
knows when we're lost, when we're deceived,
and understands Life's casualties...
and understands Life's casualties.
We're given space, and a private place,
to decide what we will choose.
It's sure no fun, but when it's done,
we've learned a lot from the blues.
When a friend passes by, with a saddened eye,
we know how to understand.
Because we've known the path they're on,
we can offer a helping hand.
I have seen and I believe,
Someone Upstairs knows when we grieve...
knows when we're lost, when we're deceived,
and understands Life's casualties.
...and understands Life's casualties.
( © 1997 -"Future Folk" Music - Betty Curtis )
Inspirational Songs