If we don't think about it; if we don't show we care,
the heart will slowly disappear, and we'll never know to where.
We will move like shadows, silent and alone,
without hope or conscience; soul-less and unknown.
A ghost to roam the Ages; a whisper and a moan,
when the tempest rages, we will sink like stone.

Sing your songs ! Follow your dreams !
Don't desert the ones you love.
Keep your Faith, like Heaven's Beam,
shining from Above,
Like a Standard Bearer,
on the Frontier of Forever !

If we don't care about it; if we don't do our part,
there's no doubt about it, we will lose the heart.
The soul will be a cold wind; mind, a block of ice.
We'll have no loves for holding. No comfort through the nights.
Today the troubles shout it; our times bring good advice:
if we don't care about it, extinction is the price.

Sing your songs ! Follow your dreams !
Don't desert the ones you love.
Keep your Faith, like Heaven's Beam,
shining from Above,
Like a Standard Bearer,
on the Frontier of Forever !

We must think about it, and bring what we can bring.
Don't be afraid to shout it ! Don't be afraid to sing !
And if they call you "Fool", consider it an honor.
It's a precious tool to stop our going under.
If Faith can keep us strong, and calm amid the thunder,
we'll sing a victory song, and "Fool's" a name for wonder.

Sing your songs ! Follow your dreams !
Don't desert the ones you love.
Keep your Faith, like Heaven's Beam,
shining from Above,
Like a Standard Bearer,
on the Frontier of Forever !

It's time to think about it; to choose the Spirit's Course !
Weave your prayers about it. Hope can be your horse !
Sharing with each other, we can ride together.
With our Sisters and our Brothers, we can make it better.
Riding to Tomorrow, whatever be the weather,
we'll outdistance fear and sorrow, on the Frontier of Forever !

Sing your songs ! Follow your dreams !
Don't desert the ones you love.
Keep your Faith, like Heaven's Beam,
shining from Above,
Like a Standard Bearer,
on the Frontier of Forever !

(Sendaverse - free use-Public Domain - "Future Folk" Music - 2001)
(Offered by the author- Betty J. Curtis - 2001)