You'll miss me when I'm gone.
For awhile you won't know why.
As you move along,
you'll hear me in your sigh.

You'll remember things I said -
things you thought were wrong.
They'll keep running through your head.
You'll write them in a song.


In time you'll come to see,
Songsters aren't so dumb.
Someway, they live free,
and when the hard times come,
it won't be books and learning,
that soothe the weary mind.
It'll be old songs returning ,
like Songposts set in Time.

You'll miss me when I'm gone,
though you never knew me here.
As the years go rolling on ,
you may sometimes feel me near.

When the grey comes to your hair,
and there's wrinkles on your brow,
you'll hear, floating in the air,
songs you can't hear now.


In time you'll come to see,
Songsters aren't so dumb.
Someway, they live free,
and when the hard times come,
it won't be books and learning,
that soothe the weary mind.
It'll be old songs returning ,
like Songposts set in Time.

(© 2003 - "Future Folk" Music - Betty J. Curtis )

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