Don't be afraid of tomorrow,
build the Road day by day.
Mark it for others who follow,
with joy and surprise on the Way.
Let it be wide and tree-lined,
with shade, for travelers to rest.
Let it be wisely designed,
to climb to a sun-washed crest.
From valley green to the crested hill,
let it summon Wayfarers on,
through rain, and wind, and the night so still,
to the glorious promise of Dawn.
Don't be afraid of tomorrow,
fashion it day and night,
with a bridge over trouble and sorrow;
a Road to a future bright.
Prepare for a stately Procession;
the faithful and true of the Ages,
and the beautiful time-seasoned blessing,
of gentle, free-born Sages.
From valley green to the crested hill,
let it summon Wayfarers on,
through rain, and wind, and the night so still,
to the glorious promise of Dawn.
(Free Use-Public Domain-"Future Folk" Music-Betty J. Curtis-2002 )