Here's another long one. Story-teller type.
He had offered faithful years - often silence and hidden tears.
She had fluttered with moth wings, around each fickle, flickering flame.
She longed for lustrous, shining things, and for words that seldom came.
His devoted eyes adored her.
His workman's hands were working for her.
He had scarcely moments free,
but then would sing so tenderly.
"Lest too late you learn I love you, I will sing to tell you this:
love is not always far above you. Nor is it always lover's kiss.
It may be silence, when to speak, would only bring the loved one hurt.
It is sometimes smiling, when eyes meet. It is sometimes honest work."
When young, her thoughts were often drifting, and she barely heard his song.
All the time, the years were sifting. Many shining things proved wrong.
Glitter faded. Luster waned. Sometimes years brought loss and pain.
Yet each failure through the seasons,
lent a sheen to what he gave.
Year by year, she learned the reasons,
and the treasured song they saved.
"Lest too late you learn I love you, I will sing to tell you this:
love is not always far above you. Nor is it always lover's kiss.
It may be silence, when to speak, would only bring the loved one hurt.
It is sometimes smiling, when eyes meet. It is sometimes honest work."
( © 1996 - "Future Folk" Music - Betty Curtis )
Traditional Folk Songs