We've come to the end of another year.
There's a trace of a smile, and a trace of a tear.
The 'Play's'cast has gathered, memory's guests,
to forgive all the errors, and remember the best.
In the silence of evening, some sit alone,
reviewing the flight of another year flown.
Glow of the lamp, like the light of the heart,
will warm up the shadows and gloom.
With a touch of nostalgia, memories start.
They flow like the light through the room.
We cannot call back, or relive the times,
but we can embroider the threads through the soul,
to wear like bright ribbons, gracefully twined,
fashions of soul, wherever we go.
Yes, we've come to the end of another year,
and we're wondering where the Way leads from here.
The door to Tomorrow is opening slow,
and a faint light is seen, beginning to glow.
Soon the Procession will continue its Way,
into a New Year, and another New Day.
We've had dear Companions, who climbed up the Stair,
and are watching the passage from up Above.
Though we can't see them, yet - they are there,
and someway we're all linked by Love.
We cannot look back, or relive the times,
but we can embroider the threads through the soul,
to wear like bright ribbons, gracefully twined,
fashions of soul, wherever we go.
(© -1997- Betty Curtis- "Future Folk" Music)